Everyone must have a Queen. No man is complete without one, and neither are bees. As similar to humanity, Queens are essential for reproduction; however, the Queens of bees spend somewhat more time in labor... try like up to 2000 eggs/per day in egg laying season which apparently is in spring. I'm still learning a lot about this bee culture stuff. Moving on, this is why it is absolutely, without a shadow of doubt, imperative that I name this Queen correctly. I can't give her a name like Jennifer, Laura, or Katie. Although all of these names are very lovely, I need a name with Power. With Authority. With Respect. With Love. My Queen must be proud of her name when I call it ( as if she is going to fly out and land on my finger...maybe?), seriously, it must be a name encompassing everything to do with royalty and respect. Since, I ordered an Italian Queen, I thought I should give her an Italian name. Please check the newest and latest and greatest poll and VOTE! Thanks for your help :)
P.S. Last poll results in showing in favor of Ben the beekeeper buying a protective bee-suit. Sounds safe.
Sounds wise. I think I will :)
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